About Us
The Wessex Wargames Society is a long established wargame club based in Southampton, Hampshire.
The club covers all aspects and periods of wargaming in various figure and model scales as well as boardgames.
We meet every other Saturday.
Subscriptions as from 1st Jan 2020
Annual Subscription
Full Member £15
Junior Member*£5
( * under 18 years old and in full time education)
Daily Payment
Meetings 10am to 6pm will be £6
(£4 if arriving after 1pm)
Meetings 1pm to 6pm will be £4.
Junior members £1
Additional charge to non members £2
Your first visit however is FREE
February 17th 1pm - 6pm
March 2nd 10am - 6pm
16th 1pm - 6pm
30th 1pm - 6pm
April 13th 10am - 6pm
27th 1pm - 6pm
May (Two Day Weekend) 11th 10am - 6pm
12th 10am - 4pm
25th 1pm - 6pm
June 8th 10am - 6pm
22nd 1pm - 6pm
July 6th 10am - 6pm
20th 1pm - 6pm
August 3rd 10am - 6pm
17th 1pm - 6pm 31st 1pm - 6pm
September 14th 10am - 6pm 28th 1pm - 6pm
October(Two Day Weekend) 12th 10am - 6pm
13th 10am - 4pm
26th 1pm - 6pm
November 9th 10am - 6pm 23rd 1pm - 6pm
December 7th 10am - 6pm 21st 1pm - 6pm
January 4th 10am - 6pm 18th 1pm - 6pm
February 1st 10am -6pm 15th 1pm - 6pm
March 1st 10am - 6pm
15th 1pm - 6pm 29th 1pm - 6pm
The dates highlighted red are long day meetings.